2014년 4월 8일 화요일

Carol Rifka Brunt의 "Tell the Wolves I'm Home"중

A hot tear ran down my cheek.
Then, into the silence, over the top of everything, came a long, sad howl. For a second it felt like the sound had come from inside me. Like the world had taken everything I was feeling and turned it into the sound.

I put everything in the back of my closet with teapot and the first note from Toby, and then I fell asleep. The bed was warm and ordinary and perfect, and it had been such a long, long day. Probably the longest day of my life. I felt like I had proof that not all days are the same length, not all time has the same weight. Proof that there are worlds and world and worlds on top of worlds, if you want them to be there.

Toby was loose. Attached to nothing. Except maybe to Finn. That's what I started to figure out. Without Finn, Toby was like a kite with nobody holding the string.

I meant it seriously. I really wondered why people were always doing what they didn't like doing. It seemed like life was a sort of narrowing tunnel. Right when you were born, the tunnel was huge. You could be anything. Then, like, the absolute second after you were born, the tunnel narrowed down to about half that size. (skip) On and on through the years until you were stuck.

you can still see the five black buttons. NOt the way that were, not clumsy and thick, but more like shadows. Like small eclipsed moons, floating over my heart.

- 천천히 문장을 곰곰히 새기면서 읽었다. 많지 않은 등장 인물과 연극세트와도 같은 배경에서 어떻게 그렇게 많은 것을 담아낼 수 있는지... 14살 소녀인 June을 통해서 서술되는 이 이야기는   그녀가 사랑하는 삼촌이자 대부인 Finn의 죽음에서 시작한다. 이 소설은 죽음, 사랑, 상처, 우애, 진실, 질투, 아집, 포용, 성장, 화해의 이야기를 담고 있다. 마음이 아프면서도 읽을수록 사랑하게 되는 그런 진실되고 따뜻한 소설. 용기가 없어 누군가를 잃기 전 언제든 다시 읽어도 좋을 그런 소설. 아름다운 문장에 진실함이 소록소록 묻어나 오래도록 마음에 끈끈하게 묻어있을 그런 소설이다.

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